We are the Palestinian Diaspora.

The children and grandchildren of exiled and displaced Palestinians.

We are committed to amplifying the Palestinian cause, advocating for the right of return, and challenging the forces of occupation and colonization. Our movement leverages the power of social media and grassroots activism to educate, advocate, and mobilize for Palestine.

To create meaningful change in political, social, and economic realms, standing in solidarity with all oppressed and indigenous peoples.



Resources made by pdm

More about PDM…

  • A grassroots organization led by the Palestinian diaspora, embracing our heritage and the struggle of our ancestors. Joined by our allies, our enduring fight unites us for a free Palestine; we embody the resilience and aspirations of Palestinians who were forcibly displaced from their homes by the Zionist occupation starting in 1948.

  • We educate, advocate , and mobilize for Palestine. We are committed to amplifying the Palestinian cause, advocating for the right of return, and challenging the forces of occupation and colonization. Our movement leverages the power of social media and grassroots activism to educate, mobilize, and create meaningful change in political, social, and economic realms, standing in solidarity with all oppressed and indigenous peoples.

  • We are an organization led by the Palestinian diaspora, joined by Palestinians and allies. We are writers, creators, artists, coders, engineers, developers, professionals, etc. Everyone is welcome to join PDM.

support us

PDM is non-profit based. We operate off the generosity of community members like you. Please donate and help us continue our work.