
Here you’ll find all the resources you need to learn about the most urgent issues affecting the Palestinian people, educate yourself, and to organize to support the Palestinian cause.

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First, it's important to learn and understand. To support or take action, we need to know about the Palestinian cause's history. We've put together materials and tools for a full picture of the ongoing Palestinian struggle and its past. Below, we've listed essential readings and videos to begin your educational journey.


Secondly, we must actively support the Palestinian cause. This means getting involved in activities like signing petitions, planning events, reaching out to others, organizing, raising funds, educating the public, influencing policies, and doing research. At PDM, our main goal is to champion the Palestinian right to return to their homes. As people displaced and uprooted from our homeland, we concentrate on gaining worldwide support for this right and strive to influence social, economic, and political conditions to advocate for a free Palestine.


It's time to take a firm stand. We need to engage in strong protests, actively pressure our local and state representatives, unite our communities, initiate resource-sharing campaigns, halt financial support for Israeli arms, and promote boycotts. Our goal is to champion the Palestinian cause through bold, innovative social and political campaigns. We plan to mobilize the Palestinian cause by driving creative and innovative social and political campaigns and leveraging social media to regain the narrative and spread the truth about Palestine.

These works are great introductions to understanding Palestine. If you're only going to read one book on this topic, choosing any of these would be a good choice.

Learn about Palestine, the Nakba, ethnic cleansing, and social justice through recommended non-fiction and historical books on the PDM reading list.


These works are great introductions to understanding Palestine. They include films about pre-nakba, post-nakba, and the creation of the Zionist regime in 1948.

Unearth diverse perspectives on Palestine through documentaries and films. Find movies on the PDM Watchlist covering the Nakba, Zionism, Palestinian love, pre-Nakba history, and daily life in Gaza.


Take our course Palestine 101

We’ve created a simple crash course that covers all the information you need to know about Palestine. Our mission with this crash course series is to unapologetically educate the world about the oppressive reality faced by Palestinians stemming from the genocidal Zionist enterprise and its ongoing settler colonialism. Through an unfiltered lens, we aim to shed light on the erasure of Palestinian culture, the theft and appropriation of our heritage, and the horrific massacres in Gaza. By amplifying our voices as diaspora, we strive to preserve Palestinian history, counteract Zionist propaganda, and promote global support for the decolonization of Palestine. Our ultimate goal is not just to share the truth but to pave the path for Palestinians to return home to a decolonized, liberated homeland.

Hold Congress and corporations accountable for corporate complicity for the genocide in Gaza! These links offer phone numbers, emails, and boycott, divestment, sactions (BDS) actions from the PDM Checklist.
Get the latest analysis on Palestine, the West Bank, and Gaza, humanitarian aid, and human rights from these Instagram accounts.
Donate for Gaza relief! These links features trusted organizations delivering crucial aid and food to civilians in Palestine, Gaza, West Bank..
Demand justice for Palestine! Access resources for better media coverage, protest planning, ceasefire resolutions, teach-ins, and joining Samidoun's global resistance calendar.